Showing posts with label racing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racing. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

NASCAR isn't Football!

As I watch (or don't watch) NASCAR, I find it hard to believe you haven't figured out why your ratings keep falling!

For what it's worth, here's my reasons!

# This isn't football or basketball! This new chase is stupid! You are suppose to have your top drivers at the end! The points system worked! If you wanted to tweak the points for wins, that would work, but to change the whole system was stupid! Your best drivers can and do get knocked out for stupid reasons! YOU really screwed up the chase!

# TV! I guess you figured all the NASCAR fans are well off and can afford cable or satellite! BUT they can't! People still use antennas! AND basic cable! My wife and I watch faithfully! Then we became full time RV'ers. No cable at must sites or basic cable! Had to use the antenna and it worked great, but NO NASCAR! Talked to a lot of RV'ers with the same complaint!  USE the broadcast networks so everyone can watch! Or haven't you looked at your ratings!

# Ticket costs! I think each and everyone in NASCAR needs to remember their roots! Everyone in NASCAR getting fat! You need to cut back the weekly winnings payout and then lower the ticket prices! You have made this sport to expensive for the people who made you all rich! Now we are looking else where for our entertainment! The tracks got NASCAR going! Now no one is going! 

# Flag all restarts! OR have the starting line the starting line! Keep it simple!

# Your website sucks! Takes too long for it to load, even with high speed Internet! Keep it simple! Too much stuff on main page! 

# Hours of follow the leader is NO fun for the fans! You have done a great job with safety but now it's boring, boring! I don't want to see anyone hurt, but I will not watch hours of the same old same! Too much control over everything makes for BORING!  When I do watch, that's not much anymore, I watch the last 30 to 50 laps! Why waste my time! 

# Too many cars, 43! Crazy, don't need more that 30 cars per race! 

Bottom line is, everyone in NASCAR has become fat! They have all forgotten how NASCAR got there! The FANS! TV fans, track fans, fans fans fans! Make it easy to get on TV, make it cheap to go see and make it exciting! ALL MISSING RIGHT NOW!

Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...