Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Are You Tired Of ?

Are you tired of career politicians lining their pockets with our money?

Are you tired of politicians lying to us?

Are you tired of globalist politicians selling out America?

Are you tired of politicians having better retirement and health services then us?

Are you tired of elite Democrats & Republicans selling out America?

Are you tired of the Main Street Media telling us only what they want us to know?

Are you tired of Main Street Media backing a candidate rather than reporting the news?

Are you tired of the Main Street Media lies?

Are you tired of Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter censoring us?

Are you tired of Hollywood Elites telling you who to vote for?

Are you tired of the IRS acting like Nazi Gestapo?

Are you tired of Mexico telling us what we should do?

Are you tired of our government spending more money on illegal immigrants than on our veterans?

Are you tired of our government wanting to control our firearms?

Are you tired of horrible trade deals?

Are you tired of Americans dying for our country and the politicians not caring?

Are you tired of nothing being done to corrupt officials?

Are you tired of our government employees stealing from us and not being prosecuted?

Are you tired of hearing being held by Congress but nothing ever being done but wasting our money?

Are you tired of the PC bullshit?

Are you tired of all the money being spent on elections?

Are you tired of the big donors controlling our elections?

Are you tired of our police being refused services?

Are you tired of our police being targeted and killed?

Are you tired of all the Muslim immigrants being drop into our country without being vetted?

Are you tired of illegal immigrants taking our jobs?

Are you tired of illegal immigrants killing Americans?

If you are tired of all this and more you are like most working and retired Americans?

The only way this can change is to vote for someone that is not part of the political elite, not beholding to anyone and politically correct!

Someone who cares about America and Americans!

Someone who will change the future!

That someone can only be Donald J Trump!

Time for hard working Americans, Veterans, Armed Forces, Police and retirees to get off their asses and get out the vote for Donald J Trump!

Don't just talk air, DO IT!

Time is short for saving America!

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Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...