Showing posts with label democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democrats. Show all posts

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Why I wouldn't Vote for Biden/Harris

 First, I am a registered Independent Voter. I was a registered Republican but got tired of all the promises and no action. Politicians, Republicans and Democrats, are good at telling you what you want to hear, but not worth a damn at doing it. Even though I didn't vote for him, I had hoped he would be different. LOL He was worst one yet. Talked a good game but did nothing. 

In 2016 I decided to vote for anyone who was NOT a politician. I watched Trump due his damage to his opponents during the primaries. He wasn't and isn't a polished speaker. He didn't hold back, said what he thought. He wasn't a politician and I decided he had my vote despite his short comings. After researching him, I realized he was and is a good person and he cared about people and our country. 

I watched as the media(CBS,PBS,ABC,NBC,MSNBC and CNN), a lot of Republicans, all Democrats, most of Hollywood, leaders of England, France, Germany and Canada, large portion of the music industry, New York Times, Washington Post and most print media, FBI, CIA, DOJ, and most every governmental department do everything possible, including lies and treason to stop Trump from becoming president. It didn't stop after he was elected either, it got worse. The Mueller Investigation that cost Americans 32 million dollars, was based on lies and everyone knew it. It has now been proved that Hillary Clinton paid for it, Obama and Biden knew about it. It was just a diversion! A 32 million dollar diversion! Our money, not hers! 

And then there was the behind closed doors impeachment. All based on lies, lies that everyone knew were lies. Democrats stooped to a new low! No one got to hear the evidence against Trump, just heard what the Democrats told us. All done with the support of the media. 

Then the Covid-19 appeared! The Democrats said President Trump was a xenophobia for closing the borders when he did. Now they say it wasn't soon enough. So Democrats were either wrong then or now! 

The bottom line is, Trump has done what he said he would and much more. That was while fighting everyone every day. Just think what he could have done if he had been helped by everyone. 

So, you can VOTE for Trump and be assured by his preformance of the last 4 years that he will get more done for our nation. Or you can vote for Biden and get what he has done for 29 years, nothing but pad his and his families pockets.

If you have done any research, if you have a brain in your head, if you are Black or White or Hispanic, you will vote Trump. 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

On the FENCE? Don't know who to VOTE for? Ask yourself...

Are you good the way the economy is? Remember, just because you're OK doesn't mean your neighbor, the family down the street, the small businesses in your area are OK! If this means nothing to you then...

Are you OK with more government controls, guide lines, rules, regulations and TAXES? If this doesn't matter than what about........

Are you good with our immigration policies or I should say, good with NOT enforcing our immigration policies? Letting in immigrants without properly vetting them? OK with sanctuary cities? If these don't matter......

What about lifetime politicians with NO history of working for a living, are you good with them or the work, if you can call it that, they've done? Telling us lies and doing NOTHING! If that is OK with you, how about....

Hillary being directly involved in the killings of women and children in Waco, the deaths in Benghazi because of incompetence, the total disaster in the Middle East. If you're good with this, what about.......

The Clinton Foundation taking millions of dollars from foreign countries, giving near nothing to charities, financing friends and family.  If you're OK with that, then how about this.....

Setting up a email server for ONE reason and ONE reason only, that is to keep it away from government regulations. Deleting 30,000 emails with a SPECIAL program to scrub them so they can never be recovered! THEN LYING ABOUT IT WHEN CAUGHT! Thinking we are too stupid to realize why she did it! Now if that doesn't matter, which would be hard to believe, what about this.....

Voter fraud, collusion we major media, payoffs, and so on and so on.... IF THIS DOESN'T MATTER THEN YOU ARE A KOOL-AID DRINKING LIBERAL and no one can help you!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Tired of Crime Increasing?

When I was growing up, I would see chain gangs on the road all the time. My father told me that was what would happen if I broke the law and went to jail. I can say that that made an impression on me!

Sometimes the old ways are the best ways. All the states need to change our jails and prisons.

Lets get those chain gangs back on the roads, let the kids see how glamorous crime is when they have to dig ditches, pickup trash etc.. No more TV, this is jail, they want entertainment they can go to a library and read! No exercise equipment, no watching NFL, NBA etc.. No air conditioning. This is jail, not a Cancun vacation. They should be too tired to want to fight with anyone!

Life in prison/jail should be miserable! When they leave, they should not want to come back! NO GLAMOUR, just sweat, aching muscles and wanting to get out!

They should be required to learn a trade while in jail/prison. If they don't know how to read and write, they must attend a in-house school.

Stop listening to the bleeding heart liberal, they are the ones that have gotten us where we are today!

WE NEED CHANGE and that may be to the old ways.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Are You Tired Of ?

Are you tired of career politicians lining their pockets with our money?

Are you tired of politicians lying to us?

Are you tired of globalist politicians selling out America?

Are you tired of politicians having better retirement and health services then us?

Are you tired of elite Democrats & Republicans selling out America?

Are you tired of the Main Street Media telling us only what they want us to know?

Are you tired of Main Street Media backing a candidate rather than reporting the news?

Are you tired of the Main Street Media lies?

Are you tired of Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter censoring us?

Are you tired of Hollywood Elites telling you who to vote for?

Are you tired of the IRS acting like Nazi Gestapo?

Are you tired of Mexico telling us what we should do?

Are you tired of our government spending more money on illegal immigrants than on our veterans?

Are you tired of our government wanting to control our firearms?

Are you tired of horrible trade deals?

Are you tired of Americans dying for our country and the politicians not caring?

Are you tired of nothing being done to corrupt officials?

Are you tired of our government employees stealing from us and not being prosecuted?

Are you tired of hearing being held by Congress but nothing ever being done but wasting our money?

Are you tired of the PC bullshit?

Are you tired of all the money being spent on elections?

Are you tired of the big donors controlling our elections?

Are you tired of our police being refused services?

Are you tired of our police being targeted and killed?

Are you tired of all the Muslim immigrants being drop into our country without being vetted?

Are you tired of illegal immigrants taking our jobs?

Are you tired of illegal immigrants killing Americans?

If you are tired of all this and more you are like most working and retired Americans?

The only way this can change is to vote for someone that is not part of the political elite, not beholding to anyone and politically correct!

Someone who cares about America and Americans!

Someone who will change the future!

That someone can only be Donald J Trump!

Time for hard working Americans, Veterans, Armed Forces, Police and retirees to get off their asses and get out the vote for Donald J Trump!

Don't just talk air, DO IT!

Time is short for saving America!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Here's how to stop the Race War!

As an old white man I've watched the change in America over sixty years. When I was young, blacks had to ride in the back of the bus, had their own schools and stayed in their part of town. I didn't agree or disagree, it was how it was and I was a kid. As time went on, things changed, schools were integrated they could sit where they wanted and life went on. As I grew up, I had White friends, Black friends, Hispanic friends and Asian friends. Never thought about color, just that they were my friends.

So based on what little I know, here's how I would fix it!

  1. The Police need to police their departments and train or fire the bad apples. The police know who they are. More foot patrols in pairs. Stop being PC, if a Black man kills someone, say it's a Black man. Same goes for all races. If an officer sees another officer get out of control, they need to stop them.
  2. When stopped by a police officer, be respectful, even if you don't feel you were at fault. If after the stop you feel like it was still wrong, contact the Police Department and make a complaint. Getting in someone's face will not end well. If someone gets in MY face and I'm not a policeman, it will not end well. DESPITE what that half wit Muslim in the White House says, it just plain stupid! If you get arrested, DON'T fight, you will be hurt! It's just plain STUPID to fight when you have so so many outlets to help you if wrongly arrested.
  3. Our education system has failed everyone. We have down graded it so much that unless you send your children to private schools they get no education. Get the Feds out of it and make the parents get involved. Not every child is qualified or wants to go to college, nor do they need to. Have more VOCATIONAL classes available. Carpenters, auto mechanics, heating and air conditioning, plumbers, electricians, masons and more are needed. AND, if you can't pass a class, you stay behind! And if you get to old for a class, then you go to special schools! We  need LESS administration and more teaching! We need BETTER teachers! We need security in schools for the  children's protection AND for children's discipline! PARENTS need to be HELD accountable for their children's actions! If, as a parent, you have NOT checked out the classrooms and what they are being taught, then you are NOT a good parent. No excuses, If work is a problem, then get a relative to do it for you. You need to look at the school work and the school books! EDUCATION HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE BEST DEFENSE AGAINST POVERTY! DON'T FAIL YOU CHILDREN!
  4. Re-institute the chain gangs! I remember pass them when I was a child. My father told me that they were criminals. That was embedded in my mind! I never wanted to be in one of them! You would be surprised what message that sends to small children! 
  5. Our jails need to be overhauled. They are to nice! If your living conditions are better in jail then outside, you're not going to mind going back. Make everyone work! Hard work! Teach them something! The guards need to police themselves just like the police! Weed out the bad guards! Everyone knows who they are! 
  6. Blacks need to get the chips off there shoulders! We did not enslave you! That has past! Take time and read up about SLAVERY, your eyes will be opened. The only slavery going on now, is how the Democrats have enslaved the Blacks and Hispanics with social programs. You want to free yourselves, get a job! 
  7. Get off of WHITE PRIVILEGE, there is more BLACK PRIVILEGE! I'm a white, the only privilege I have had is working HARD all my life, 50+ years, paying lots of taxes that go to social programs! YOU WANT MY WHITE PRIVILEGE? Plus a heart attack and lots of job injuries! THE ONLY REAL PRIVILEGE THAT I KNOW OF IS POLITICAL PRIVILEGE, ONE THAT IS SHARED BY ALL RACES! That's the privilege that needs to stop! 
  8. Blacks, Whites, Hispanics and Asians need to stop being MANIPULATED by the Media, the privileged politicians, small destructive groups and the rich elite! Use your heads, we are all smarter than the think we are! I voted Republican ever election until now! I realized that no matter who is in charge we get the same results, I'm tired of being a sheep! Now I'm an Independent and VOTING my mind! Use your mind and VOTE!
  9. EVERYONE need to pay attention to the LYRICS in the MUSIC that our children are listening to! HAVE YOU? Parents WHERE ARE YOU? My parents would not have let me listen to the hate, sex, the violence in the music today. Use some COMMON SENSE people! You can stop it by NOT BUYING IT! Not letting your underage children buy it, listen or watch it! Get involved in your child's LIFE!
  10. ASK your leaders of your community, town, city and state what they are doing to clean up the bad areas! DEMAND that they do something! If they don't vote them out! Blacks need to ask the "Black Leaders" Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and Obama what they have done to fix the problems in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Atlanta and New Orleans? Disappointing isn't it!
The bottom line is, I could write all day and not cover all the problems we have to fix! I can tell you this, BLM, Black leaders and he PRIVILEGED POLITICIANS are not the answer, YOU ARE! I have watched America go downhill for 25 years, I've seen race relations deteriorate for 8 years (Thank You Obama). Time for a major change! Time for you to make a difference!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Saturday, April 2, 2016


Before You Vote Ask Yourself














Our politicians and our government are corrupt! Politicians are PUPPETS for their donors! 



Friday, April 1, 2016


I Guess I'm Batshit Crazy Then!

I've been a GOOD Conservative Republican for as long as I can remember! A lot of good that's done! Trillion dollars in debt, more government control then ever and on and on! Thank you Republicans! 

The problem is really simple, not sure why everyone in America has not figured out, because if they had, they would be VOTING for TRUMP! 

Democrats are all about the government controlling everyone and everything. Sky high taxes, lots of welfare, no innovation, no drive, you just work, pay taxes, so others don't have to work. Not an option for me! 

Republicans are all about globalization, no more America, no borders, just cheap labor and international markets. Sorry, but I love America too much for that!

Then there is Donald Trump, he loves America as much as I do, he's willing to fight for it! 

Now I don't care about Cruz's mistresses, if it's true, but I do care about his wife working for and being a globalist! No matter what he says, he's beholden to her and Wall Street!

So, if you want to continue down the road of deceit, lies and corruption, then Cruz is your guy, he would let you down. 

If you care about America, what it's become, you're ready for real change, the VOTE for TRUMP!

He may miss speak about issues, he may say things that make cringe, but you know he will fix America! 

Thursday, March 31, 2016



We have been controlled by the political elite for so long no one remembers! We have been feed the politicians they want us to have, election after election. It used to be done in smoke filled backrooms.... Nothing has changed, just less smokers and the rooms are much, much nicer!


The obvious is rule changing, they change them to stop candidates or to give one an advantage. Then there is supporting candidates that have no chance of winning just to stop a candidate. There is the spending of 10, 20, 30 million dollars in negative ads to stop a candidate. (Think about how many veterans that could have helped!)

The less obvious are dropping true, half true and lies to the media. Threatening the family of a candidate. Then thugs threatening people voting for a candidate. Sending disruptive people that try to start fights to rallies and events. (The old union ways) These being done by people for the elites, but trust me, the elites are behind it all.


The Media is owned and controlled by the elite!

The elections are all about the MONEY and or POWER.

They will do anything to keep their MONEY flowing and their POWER going!

The name of the party doesn't matter, it's all the same!

They are willing to lose the general election to keep their MONEY and POWER!

How many poor congressman and senators are there?

The whole system is CORRUPT!

The whole movement started when we voted for outsiders, there were three, Trump, Carson and Carly. Now we are down to one! The elite will do what ever it takes to stop Trump, as we are seeing now! Don't be fooled into going back to the same old thing! The elite are counting on scaring you back to one of them!


Our nation is falling apart, they don't care! They are globalist! They will be spending their time in Dubai!

Why haven't they built a wall yet? Because it's about the MONEY, cheap labor, global markets.

Look at the EU (European Union) how have their open borders worked! That's what they want in AMERICA, open borders, North American Union. It's all about the DOLLARS!


Donald Trump may not be polished, my not know all the right things to say but, he loves AMERICA and he will only help us!

America needs our help, it's roads and bridges are falling apart! Our schools are battle zones and are kids are not learning the basics! Our vets fought for the elite and now are dis-guarded! Government workers are stealing us blind and no one cares because it's our tax dollars! Countries are ripping us off and no on is stopping it!

Just because you may have a good life doesn't mean everyone else is, look around, pay attention, people are struggling to survive!

It is time for us to take back America and make it GREAT again! 


Thursday, March 24, 2016


All the pundits say Trump can't beat Hillary... But you have to ask yourself WHY:

Does Hillary go after Trump if he's not a threat? She doesn't do that to the others?

Does Soros send his goons to disrupt a Trump rally? But not the others?

Does all the Liberal media twist and turn everything to try and make Trump look bad? But not the others?

Does Mexico so scared of Trump they are helping illegals get registered to vote against Trump? But not the others?


Then you have to ask why:

Does Romney trash Trump in a speech, back Kasick in Ohio but tell everyone in Arizona and Utah to vote Cruz? 

Does Bush and Graham back Cruz when the hate him!

Does all the GOPe BIG donors spend MILLIONS of $$$ on ads against Trump?

Does the left call him a RACIST, HITLER and the DEVIL?


The GOPe wants global economics, they don't care about the AMERICAN worker, only about the $$$$.. They want cheap labor in America, they want easy access to the world for their goods and services. The politicians want perks, vacations, future jobs, big retirement and of course kick backs! 

Our government is run by $$$$$, the only way to change it is to clean house, put in a president that has no ties to elites and to get term limits.

The media and politicians are trying to brain wash us to think otherwise! Don't be fooled with "we need experience, we need one of them again"! 

What we need is change, not the Obama change, which was the same old thing! We need real change, we need someone who can say "why the hell do we do it that way?" Someone that will hold these assholes in governments accountable for the action, mistakes and incompetence!

We need Donald Trump, everyone that I dislike wants to stop him, that is one of many reasons to VOTE for him.

I am a Christian, but this election is not about faith!

I am a Conservative, but this election is not about my values!

This is about saving AMERICA!

When they say he doesn't stand for our values, what they mean is HE WILL TAKE AWAY OUR POWER AND OUR MONEY STREAM! 

Save America, VOTE for Donald Trump!

Friday, March 4, 2016


Despite what you may think, this election is about the future of our GREAT NATION!

It's not about your faith or values! 

It's not about gay rights!

It's not about abortion!

It's not about who is more conservative!

It's not about a war on women!

What it is about is voting for the same old people and expecting it to turn out different! It wouldn't, trust me, I've been doing it since Reagan! I've picked Trump because he is self funding, no strings attached, he's not PC, he's build an empire, he's loves America and he will kick the doors open in DC! The corruption must stop! 

Trump has changed his mind on a lot of issues, but so have I...

Trump is crass and I am too, as much as I hate to say it!

Trump has done things he regrets, haven't we all! 

Trump doesn't explain himself very well, nor does my wife!

Trump's language is rough but less than the average person!

Trump exaggerates, but who doesn't? 

I know who I am supporting, I know he has a better chance at be elected then anyone else! 

I'm done with the McCain's and the Romney's of the Republican party. 

I'm done with all the promises (LIES) for the past 15 years!

I'm done with the elite pulling the strings!

Marco became part of the problem! Now he's a party lackey! 

Ted has the right idea, but I don't feel he will work good with others!

I look at it this way, if Trump does a terrible job (don't believe that's the case), it can't be worse then Obama! 

I feel Trump will hire, bring in, people who know what they are doing, not the idiots we have now! 

So buckle up people, there are a lot of people just like me, un-education!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Why I will vote for Donald Trump!

As everyone takes aim at Donald Trump, I would like to explain why I and many many more people will vote for Donald Trump. 

I'm a Christian, a conservative and was a why would I like Trump?


  • The media hates him!
  • Hollywood hates him!
  • Old guard politicians hate him!
Those three reasons are enough to vote for him! The following is the real reason...

The people of America are tired of our government! Tired of career politicians! Tired of the FEDS! Tired of the inefficiency! Tired of the corruption! Tired of the lies! Tired of the taxes! Tired of stupid people doing stupid things! Tired of being ripped off by government workers! Tired of political correctness! Tired of every damn thing to do with Washington DC, Democrats and Republicans! Tired of Obama, the Senate and Congress! 

We know that Donald Trump has short coming, we know he has changed his positions, we know he is not the best speaker out there, but what we really know is, HE IS NOT A POLITICIAN! HE HAS TO BE BETTER THAN WHAT HAS BEEN RUNNING OUR COUNTRY INTO THE GROUND FOR THE PAST 30 YEARS!  

So the bottom line is, we want a change from anyone that has anything to do with politics, anyone! Out of the three none political candidates, Trump is the must likely to get it done! 

WE feel he will bring in people that know what they are doing, not the losers that are there now!

It is sad that our media is so bias, that our politicians can't understand how we feel and it is really sad that our nation is in shambles!

Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...