Showing posts with label prison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prison. Show all posts

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Tired of Crime Increasing?

When I was growing up, I would see chain gangs on the road all the time. My father told me that was what would happen if I broke the law and went to jail. I can say that that made an impression on me!

Sometimes the old ways are the best ways. All the states need to change our jails and prisons.

Lets get those chain gangs back on the roads, let the kids see how glamorous crime is when they have to dig ditches, pickup trash etc.. No more TV, this is jail, they want entertainment they can go to a library and read! No exercise equipment, no watching NFL, NBA etc.. No air conditioning. This is jail, not a Cancun vacation. They should be too tired to want to fight with anyone!

Life in prison/jail should be miserable! When they leave, they should not want to come back! NO GLAMOUR, just sweat, aching muscles and wanting to get out!

They should be required to learn a trade while in jail/prison. If they don't know how to read and write, they must attend a in-house school.

Stop listening to the bleeding heart liberal, they are the ones that have gotten us where we are today!

WE NEED CHANGE and that may be to the old ways.

Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...