Friday, January 22, 2016

Why I will vote for Donald Trump!

As everyone takes aim at Donald Trump, I would like to explain why I and many many more people will vote for Donald Trump. 

I'm a Christian, a conservative and was a why would I like Trump?


  • The media hates him!
  • Hollywood hates him!
  • Old guard politicians hate him!
Those three reasons are enough to vote for him! The following is the real reason...

The people of America are tired of our government! Tired of career politicians! Tired of the FEDS! Tired of the inefficiency! Tired of the corruption! Tired of the lies! Tired of the taxes! Tired of stupid people doing stupid things! Tired of being ripped off by government workers! Tired of political correctness! Tired of every damn thing to do with Washington DC, Democrats and Republicans! Tired of Obama, the Senate and Congress! 

We know that Donald Trump has short coming, we know he has changed his positions, we know he is not the best speaker out there, but what we really know is, HE IS NOT A POLITICIAN! HE HAS TO BE BETTER THAN WHAT HAS BEEN RUNNING OUR COUNTRY INTO THE GROUND FOR THE PAST 30 YEARS!  

So the bottom line is, we want a change from anyone that has anything to do with politics, anyone! Out of the three none political candidates, Trump is the must likely to get it done! 

WE feel he will bring in people that know what they are doing, not the losers that are there now!

It is sad that our media is so bias, that our politicians can't understand how we feel and it is really sad that our nation is in shambles!

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Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...