Showing posts with label election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label election. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2020

How did I miss it?

I'm not sure what I was doing  but I missed it. I turned away for just a moment and I missed it. So someone please tell me, when did America become a third world country? Am I in a socialist nation? I turned the TV on and I see America boarding up to brace for election riots? 
I really disliked Obama after his first term. After I found out that he was liar and had the least transparent administration ever. But I never thought about rioting,  vandalism or hurting anyone. What I did was look forward to the next election.  
Liberals, which includes the main street media, are pushing  the rioting narrative. 
I miss the old America, the one where you could put a sign in your front yard and not worry about someone damaging your house or putting a sign on your car or wear a shirt or hat and not be attacked. 
Am I the only one who feels this way?

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Art of the Deal


When Donald Trump purchased and rebuilt Mar-A-Lago, the grand mansion and estate in Palm Beach, Florida, he got into a dispute with the city fathers who are well known for being strict on zoning regulations. 


Trump put up a 50-foot flag pole even though 30 feet is the maximum allowed to not be overly patriotic and offend other nationalities.


The city imposed a $1,000 per day fine while Trump and city officials argued back and forth.  Finally, when the fine had reached a total of $120,000 Trump proposed a solution.  He would donate that amount to veteran's organizations, would move the flag to a different spot in front of the mansion, and would only use a 30 foot flagpole.  The city agreed.


So Trump brought in the company that does his golf course construction, had them build a 20-foot high grassy hill, and put the 30-foot flag pole on top of that.


Now, would you rather have Trump negotiating an Iranian deal, or any deal or would you rather have Hillary.  

Thursday, March 24, 2016


All the pundits say Trump can't beat Hillary... But you have to ask yourself WHY:

Does Hillary go after Trump if he's not a threat? She doesn't do that to the others?

Does Soros send his goons to disrupt a Trump rally? But not the others?

Does all the Liberal media twist and turn everything to try and make Trump look bad? But not the others?

Does Mexico so scared of Trump they are helping illegals get registered to vote against Trump? But not the others?


Then you have to ask why:

Does Romney trash Trump in a speech, back Kasick in Ohio but tell everyone in Arizona and Utah to vote Cruz? 

Does Bush and Graham back Cruz when the hate him!

Does all the GOPe BIG donors spend MILLIONS of $$$ on ads against Trump?

Does the left call him a RACIST, HITLER and the DEVIL?


The GOPe wants global economics, they don't care about the AMERICAN worker, only about the $$$$.. They want cheap labor in America, they want easy access to the world for their goods and services. The politicians want perks, vacations, future jobs, big retirement and of course kick backs! 

Our government is run by $$$$$, the only way to change it is to clean house, put in a president that has no ties to elites and to get term limits.

The media and politicians are trying to brain wash us to think otherwise! Don't be fooled with "we need experience, we need one of them again"! 

What we need is change, not the Obama change, which was the same old thing! We need real change, we need someone who can say "why the hell do we do it that way?" Someone that will hold these assholes in governments accountable for the action, mistakes and incompetence!

We need Donald Trump, everyone that I dislike wants to stop him, that is one of many reasons to VOTE for him.

I am a Christian, but this election is not about faith!

I am a Conservative, but this election is not about my values!

This is about saving AMERICA!

When they say he doesn't stand for our values, what they mean is HE WILL TAKE AWAY OUR POWER AND OUR MONEY STREAM! 

Save America, VOTE for Donald Trump!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Why I will vote for Donald Trump!

As everyone takes aim at Donald Trump, I would like to explain why I and many many more people will vote for Donald Trump. 

I'm a Christian, a conservative and was a why would I like Trump?


  • The media hates him!
  • Hollywood hates him!
  • Old guard politicians hate him!
Those three reasons are enough to vote for him! The following is the real reason...

The people of America are tired of our government! Tired of career politicians! Tired of the FEDS! Tired of the inefficiency! Tired of the corruption! Tired of the lies! Tired of the taxes! Tired of stupid people doing stupid things! Tired of being ripped off by government workers! Tired of political correctness! Tired of every damn thing to do with Washington DC, Democrats and Republicans! Tired of Obama, the Senate and Congress! 

We know that Donald Trump has short coming, we know he has changed his positions, we know he is not the best speaker out there, but what we really know is, HE IS NOT A POLITICIAN! HE HAS TO BE BETTER THAN WHAT HAS BEEN RUNNING OUR COUNTRY INTO THE GROUND FOR THE PAST 30 YEARS!  

So the bottom line is, we want a change from anyone that has anything to do with politics, anyone! Out of the three none political candidates, Trump is the must likely to get it done! 

WE feel he will bring in people that know what they are doing, not the losers that are there now!

It is sad that our media is so bias, that our politicians can't understand how we feel and it is really sad that our nation is in shambles!

Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...