Friday, March 4, 2016


Despite what you may think, this election is about the future of our GREAT NATION!

It's not about your faith or values! 

It's not about gay rights!

It's not about abortion!

It's not about who is more conservative!

It's not about a war on women!

What it is about is voting for the same old people and expecting it to turn out different! It wouldn't, trust me, I've been doing it since Reagan! I've picked Trump because he is self funding, no strings attached, he's not PC, he's build an empire, he's loves America and he will kick the doors open in DC! The corruption must stop! 

Trump has changed his mind on a lot of issues, but so have I...

Trump is crass and I am too, as much as I hate to say it!

Trump has done things he regrets, haven't we all! 

Trump doesn't explain himself very well, nor does my wife!

Trump's language is rough but less than the average person!

Trump exaggerates, but who doesn't? 

I know who I am supporting, I know he has a better chance at be elected then anyone else! 

I'm done with the McCain's and the Romney's of the Republican party. 

I'm done with all the promises (LIES) for the past 15 years!

I'm done with the elite pulling the strings!

Marco became part of the problem! Now he's a party lackey! 

Ted has the right idea, but I don't feel he will work good with others!

I look at it this way, if Trump does a terrible job (don't believe that's the case), it can't be worse then Obama! 

I feel Trump will hire, bring in, people who know what they are doing, not the idiots we have now! 

So buckle up people, there are a lot of people just like me, un-education!

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Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...