Showing posts with label blacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blacks. Show all posts

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Going Silently into the Night

 I have one last thing to say and then I will go silently into the night.

If you believe this election was fair and legal, you are an idiot!! The liberals have done everything they could to change the out come of this election. Democrat cities and states change the dates, the methods of voting.  Lost ballots, fires in mailboxes and so on. Then there are voting precincts that would not let the overseers view the counting. I'm sure there are many more instances that we will never know about. 

Now you can say they wouldn't make a difference but your very very wrong. Remember, the Democrats are the ones who rigged their own primary in 2016. They are the ones that enlisted the CIA, FBI and DOJ to run a scram about Trump and the Russians so Hillary wouldn't get heat about her illegal email server. Obama and Biden knew what she was doing and approved of it. Think about that. It only cost Americans 32 million dollars. 

The bottom line is, Americans were played for fools by the Liberals and Democrats aided by the liberal media.

Sadly, despite Trump doing more for the Black community in 4 years then the Democrats have done in 40 years, they still supported the racist Biden. 

It took all of the Main street media, all of the Democrats, Liberals, a lot of Republicans, NBA, NFL, must of the music industry, most of Hollywood, England, Germany, Russia, CIA, FBI, DOJ, Chinese, Chinese Virus and voter fraud the beat Trump. 

Biden can ride on Trump's coattails for a year or so, then we'll see who he really is. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Why I wouldn't Vote for Biden/Harris

 First, I am a registered Independent Voter. I was a registered Republican but got tired of all the promises and no action. Politicians, Republicans and Democrats, are good at telling you what you want to hear, but not worth a damn at doing it. Even though I didn't vote for him, I had hoped he would be different. LOL He was worst one yet. Talked a good game but did nothing. 

In 2016 I decided to vote for anyone who was NOT a politician. I watched Trump due his damage to his opponents during the primaries. He wasn't and isn't a polished speaker. He didn't hold back, said what he thought. He wasn't a politician and I decided he had my vote despite his short comings. After researching him, I realized he was and is a good person and he cared about people and our country. 

I watched as the media(CBS,PBS,ABC,NBC,MSNBC and CNN), a lot of Republicans, all Democrats, most of Hollywood, leaders of England, France, Germany and Canada, large portion of the music industry, New York Times, Washington Post and most print media, FBI, CIA, DOJ, and most every governmental department do everything possible, including lies and treason to stop Trump from becoming president. It didn't stop after he was elected either, it got worse. The Mueller Investigation that cost Americans 32 million dollars, was based on lies and everyone knew it. It has now been proved that Hillary Clinton paid for it, Obama and Biden knew about it. It was just a diversion! A 32 million dollar diversion! Our money, not hers! 

And then there was the behind closed doors impeachment. All based on lies, lies that everyone knew were lies. Democrats stooped to a new low! No one got to hear the evidence against Trump, just heard what the Democrats told us. All done with the support of the media. 

Then the Covid-19 appeared! The Democrats said President Trump was a xenophobia for closing the borders when he did. Now they say it wasn't soon enough. So Democrats were either wrong then or now! 

The bottom line is, Trump has done what he said he would and much more. That was while fighting everyone every day. Just think what he could have done if he had been helped by everyone. 

So, you can VOTE for Trump and be assured by his preformance of the last 4 years that he will get more done for our nation. Or you can vote for Biden and get what he has done for 29 years, nothing but pad his and his families pockets.

If you have done any research, if you have a brain in your head, if you are Black or White or Hispanic, you will vote Trump. 

Monday, June 8, 2020

Advice from an Uneducated Old White Man

As I watch and listen to all the educated news people, politicians and police personnel talk about how and what to do to stop racism, I see that none of them get it. Before we look at racism lets look back on school shootings.

After the terrible Columbine High School shooting, our school administrators, school boards and Sheriff/Police departments across the country had notice to make our schools safer. Did they, NO? Eight years later and 4 more school shootings including Virginia Tech shooting that killed 33. Again everyone was put on notice to make our schools more secure! Three more shootings later and we have the Sandy Hook shooting that killed 28! So at this point if your school board, administrator and law enforcement haven't taken steps to secure your schools they are complete idiots or the don't care about the welfare of your children!! LOW and BEHOLD, five more school shootings including Stoneman Douglas High shooting that killed 17! 

What then happened was the crazed get the guns off the street, more gun control and so on and so on!

What I saw was that our school board didn't do their job!! Principles didn't do the jobs! School administrators didn't do their jobs! Sheriff's department didn't do their jobs! FBI didn't do their job! 

I ask you this, how many officials were fired or recalled after this. I know the sheriff was, a deputy was but what about the FBI personnel that didn't do their jobs, what about the school administrators, what about principle of  the school. Are these people still in positions that this can happen again. 

If we do not hold people responsible for there incompetence this will continue to happen! Perfect example is the riots going on now. Let's now take a look at racism.

How can we stop racism in our law enforcement? It's actually pretty easy. Most of the police I've seen that have hurt or killed a black person has been brought up for using excess force before. The question is, why was he still working there. That old saying "we protect our own" is part of the problem. Cops don't want to turn other cops in. Real problem, this allows bad cops to continue on hurting and eventually killing someone, black or white. So I see the problem within the law enforcement environment, including administration and District Attorneys office. If they are covering for each other and no one is getting fired or prosecuted, nothing changes. 

I don't know about you but I can usually tell if a person is a racist after spending some time with them. I wonder why our law enforcement people can't or can they and again, 'protecting their own".

My advice is simple, if there is a problem, hold the people who allowed it to happen responsible. Police chiefs, sheriffs, district attorneys and commissioners. They will always point their fingers at someone else but they are the problems. 

We can point at the white people as we did with the guns or we can get to the root of the problem and help stop the killings of blacks. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016


All the pundits say Trump can't beat Hillary... But you have to ask yourself WHY:

Does Hillary go after Trump if he's not a threat? She doesn't do that to the others?

Does Soros send his goons to disrupt a Trump rally? But not the others?

Does all the Liberal media twist and turn everything to try and make Trump look bad? But not the others?

Does Mexico so scared of Trump they are helping illegals get registered to vote against Trump? But not the others?


Then you have to ask why:

Does Romney trash Trump in a speech, back Kasick in Ohio but tell everyone in Arizona and Utah to vote Cruz? 

Does Bush and Graham back Cruz when the hate him!

Does all the GOPe BIG donors spend MILLIONS of $$$ on ads against Trump?

Does the left call him a RACIST, HITLER and the DEVIL?


The GOPe wants global economics, they don't care about the AMERICAN worker, only about the $$$$.. They want cheap labor in America, they want easy access to the world for their goods and services. The politicians want perks, vacations, future jobs, big retirement and of course kick backs! 

Our government is run by $$$$$, the only way to change it is to clean house, put in a president that has no ties to elites and to get term limits.

The media and politicians are trying to brain wash us to think otherwise! Don't be fooled with "we need experience, we need one of them again"! 

What we need is change, not the Obama change, which was the same old thing! We need real change, we need someone who can say "why the hell do we do it that way?" Someone that will hold these assholes in governments accountable for the action, mistakes and incompetence!

We need Donald Trump, everyone that I dislike wants to stop him, that is one of many reasons to VOTE for him.

I am a Christian, but this election is not about faith!

I am a Conservative, but this election is not about my values!

This is about saving AMERICA!

When they say he doesn't stand for our values, what they mean is HE WILL TAKE AWAY OUR POWER AND OUR MONEY STREAM! 

Save America, VOTE for Donald Trump!

Friday, March 4, 2016


Despite what you may think, this election is about the future of our GREAT NATION!

It's not about your faith or values! 

It's not about gay rights!

It's not about abortion!

It's not about who is more conservative!

It's not about a war on women!

What it is about is voting for the same old people and expecting it to turn out different! It wouldn't, trust me, I've been doing it since Reagan! I've picked Trump because he is self funding, no strings attached, he's not PC, he's build an empire, he's loves America and he will kick the doors open in DC! The corruption must stop! 

Trump has changed his mind on a lot of issues, but so have I...

Trump is crass and I am too, as much as I hate to say it!

Trump has done things he regrets, haven't we all! 

Trump doesn't explain himself very well, nor does my wife!

Trump's language is rough but less than the average person!

Trump exaggerates, but who doesn't? 

I know who I am supporting, I know he has a better chance at be elected then anyone else! 

I'm done with the McCain's and the Romney's of the Republican party. 

I'm done with all the promises (LIES) for the past 15 years!

I'm done with the elite pulling the strings!

Marco became part of the problem! Now he's a party lackey! 

Ted has the right idea, but I don't feel he will work good with others!

I look at it this way, if Trump does a terrible job (don't believe that's the case), it can't be worse then Obama! 

I feel Trump will hire, bring in, people who know what they are doing, not the idiots we have now! 

So buckle up people, there are a lot of people just like me, un-education!

Friday, July 10, 2015

This is a Great Day

Today they removed the Confederate flag from South Carolina State House. Everyone should be happy. The killings in Chicago will stop, black father's will take care of their children, black mother's will get off welfare and stop having babies for money. All the problems that blacks have will stop. No more riots, destruction of others personal property. Life if now good!
Or, we can be sad because this will not change anything.
Flags, guns, knives and etc. Do not make bad people.  Parents not doing their job of raising their children. Sad but true. Until parents take responsibility for their children, until grandparents take responsibility, until aunts and uncles take responsibility, nothing will change.
Everyone is ready to blame the flag but the flag did nothing.

Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...