Friday, April 1, 2016

Donald Trump is a Builder & that means a LOT!

Why does it matter? 


I was a builder for quite a few years and I know what it takes to be a great builder. I was unlucky enough to have an accident that took me out of it.

To be successful you first have to hire the best in each field, such as plumbing, electric, concrete etc.. Then you have to be able to have them all work together to get the job complete. You don't have to know how to do each step, just know the basics and be able to interact with each field.

I see how Trump would look at our government and realize what the problems are and have the right people to fix them.

If you appoint or higher the right people, who them can hire the right people, you will be able to root out all the waste and corruption. You can now  ask the questions, WHY do we do it that way, why can't we do it this way and save money and time! 

Our Fed work force is full of people who don't care, who waste our tax dollars, screw up on a daily basis and lose or steal computers, office supplies and much, much, more!


Then there are all the companies.... Employing over 22 thousand people! Are involved in a wide variety of business, very diversified. 

If you can control this massive empire, you have GREAT training to run this country! 

Any good company is only as good as it's people and Trump knows how to hire the right people!

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Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...