Friday, April 1, 2016


I Guess I'm Batshit Crazy Then!

I've been a GOOD Conservative Republican for as long as I can remember! A lot of good that's done! Trillion dollars in debt, more government control then ever and on and on! Thank you Republicans! 

The problem is really simple, not sure why everyone in America has not figured out, because if they had, they would be VOTING for TRUMP! 

Democrats are all about the government controlling everyone and everything. Sky high taxes, lots of welfare, no innovation, no drive, you just work, pay taxes, so others don't have to work. Not an option for me! 

Republicans are all about globalization, no more America, no borders, just cheap labor and international markets. Sorry, but I love America too much for that!

Then there is Donald Trump, he loves America as much as I do, he's willing to fight for it! 

Now I don't care about Cruz's mistresses, if it's true, but I do care about his wife working for and being a globalist! No matter what he says, he's beholden to her and Wall Street!

So, if you want to continue down the road of deceit, lies and corruption, then Cruz is your guy, he would let you down. 

If you care about America, what it's become, you're ready for real change, the VOTE for TRUMP!

He may miss speak about issues, he may say things that make cringe, but you know he will fix America! 

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Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...