Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOP. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


I know exactly how these SNOWFLAKES feel! When Barrack Hussain Obama was elected to a second term I felt like the world had come to an end! I had a choice, I could have kicked my feet, cried, held my breath, gone out and protested, burned cars, steal things, call everyone racist, Hitler, homophobic, haters and cry some more, blame everyone, everything, OR do what I did!
I decided to change from a Republican to an Independent! I started researching 2016 candidates​, decided I didn't want to vote for a DO NOTHING politician! I got on Twitter, Facebook and Google + and supported Donald J Trump! First time I've EVER donated money to a nominee and I did it 4 different times, always to Trump, never to the GOP.

So you bunch of DUMBASSES, you KNEW how the election worked, how the electoral college worked! You lost! Don't blame anyone but yourselves and that lousy candidate you had.

And if you didn't understand the electoral college, blame your teachers, professors and parents.

While you whine and cry, blame everyone else, try and stop Trump, I'm working on getting him re-elected in 2020, DUMBASSES!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

On the FENCE? Don't know who to VOTE for? Ask yourself...

Are you good the way the economy is? Remember, just because you're OK doesn't mean your neighbor, the family down the street, the small businesses in your area are OK! If this means nothing to you then...

Are you OK with more government controls, guide lines, rules, regulations and TAXES? If this doesn't matter than what about........

Are you good with our immigration policies or I should say, good with NOT enforcing our immigration policies? Letting in immigrants without properly vetting them? OK with sanctuary cities? If these don't matter......

What about lifetime politicians with NO history of working for a living, are you good with them or the work, if you can call it that, they've done? Telling us lies and doing NOTHING! If that is OK with you, how about....

Hillary being directly involved in the killings of women and children in Waco, the deaths in Benghazi because of incompetence, the total disaster in the Middle East. If you're good with this, what about.......

The Clinton Foundation taking millions of dollars from foreign countries, giving near nothing to charities, financing friends and family.  If you're OK with that, then how about this.....

Setting up a email server for ONE reason and ONE reason only, that is to keep it away from government regulations. Deleting 30,000 emails with a SPECIAL program to scrub them so they can never be recovered! THEN LYING ABOUT IT WHEN CAUGHT! Thinking we are too stupid to realize why she did it! Now if that doesn't matter, which would be hard to believe, what about this.....

Voter fraud, collusion we major media, payoffs, and so on and so on.... IF THIS DOESN'T MATTER THEN YOU ARE A KOOL-AID DRINKING LIBERAL and no one can help you!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Art of the Deal


When Donald Trump purchased and rebuilt Mar-A-Lago, the grand mansion and estate in Palm Beach, Florida, he got into a dispute with the city fathers who are well known for being strict on zoning regulations. 


Trump put up a 50-foot flag pole even though 30 feet is the maximum allowed to not be overly patriotic and offend other nationalities.


The city imposed a $1,000 per day fine while Trump and city officials argued back and forth.  Finally, when the fine had reached a total of $120,000 Trump proposed a solution.  He would donate that amount to veteran's organizations, would move the flag to a different spot in front of the mansion, and would only use a 30 foot flagpole.  The city agreed.


So Trump brought in the company that does his golf course construction, had them build a 20-foot high grassy hill, and put the 30-foot flag pole on top of that.


Now, would you rather have Trump negotiating an Iranian deal, or any deal or would you rather have Hillary.  

Friday, April 1, 2016

Donald Trump is a Builder & that means a LOT!

Why does it matter? 


I was a builder for quite a few years and I know what it takes to be a great builder. I was unlucky enough to have an accident that took me out of it.

To be successful you first have to hire the best in each field, such as plumbing, electric, concrete etc.. Then you have to be able to have them all work together to get the job complete. You don't have to know how to do each step, just know the basics and be able to interact with each field.

I see how Trump would look at our government and realize what the problems are and have the right people to fix them.

If you appoint or higher the right people, who them can hire the right people, you will be able to root out all the waste and corruption. You can now  ask the questions, WHY do we do it that way, why can't we do it this way and save money and time! 

Our Fed work force is full of people who don't care, who waste our tax dollars, screw up on a daily basis and lose or steal computers, office supplies and much, much, more!


Then there are all the companies.... Employing over 22 thousand people! Are involved in a wide variety of business, very diversified. 

If you can control this massive empire, you have GREAT training to run this country! 

Any good company is only as good as it's people and Trump knows how to hire the right people!

Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...