Showing posts with label Fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fraud. Show all posts

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Going Silently into the Night

 I have one last thing to say and then I will go silently into the night.

If you believe this election was fair and legal, you are an idiot!! The liberals have done everything they could to change the out come of this election. Democrat cities and states change the dates, the methods of voting.  Lost ballots, fires in mailboxes and so on. Then there are voting precincts that would not let the overseers view the counting. I'm sure there are many more instances that we will never know about. 

Now you can say they wouldn't make a difference but your very very wrong. Remember, the Democrats are the ones who rigged their own primary in 2016. They are the ones that enlisted the CIA, FBI and DOJ to run a scram about Trump and the Russians so Hillary wouldn't get heat about her illegal email server. Obama and Biden knew what she was doing and approved of it. Think about that. It only cost Americans 32 million dollars. 

The bottom line is, Americans were played for fools by the Liberals and Democrats aided by the liberal media.

Sadly, despite Trump doing more for the Black community in 4 years then the Democrats have done in 40 years, they still supported the racist Biden. 

It took all of the Main street media, all of the Democrats, Liberals, a lot of Republicans, NBA, NFL, must of the music industry, most of Hollywood, England, Germany, Russia, CIA, FBI, DOJ, Chinese, Chinese Virus and voter fraud the beat Trump. 

Biden can ride on Trump's coattails for a year or so, then we'll see who he really is. 

Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...