Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Going Silently into the Night

 I have one last thing to say and then I will go silently into the night.

If you believe this election was fair and legal, you are an idiot!! The liberals have done everything they could to change the out come of this election. Democrat cities and states change the dates, the methods of voting.  Lost ballots, fires in mailboxes and so on. Then there are voting precincts that would not let the overseers view the counting. I'm sure there are many more instances that we will never know about. 

Now you can say they wouldn't make a difference but your very very wrong. Remember, the Democrats are the ones who rigged their own primary in 2016. They are the ones that enlisted the CIA, FBI and DOJ to run a scram about Trump and the Russians so Hillary wouldn't get heat about her illegal email server. Obama and Biden knew what she was doing and approved of it. Think about that. It only cost Americans 32 million dollars. 

The bottom line is, Americans were played for fools by the Liberals and Democrats aided by the liberal media.

Sadly, despite Trump doing more for the Black community in 4 years then the Democrats have done in 40 years, they still supported the racist Biden. 

It took all of the Main street media, all of the Democrats, Liberals, a lot of Republicans, NBA, NFL, must of the music industry, most of Hollywood, England, Germany, Russia, CIA, FBI, DOJ, Chinese, Chinese Virus and voter fraud the beat Trump. 

Biden can ride on Trump's coattails for a year or so, then we'll see who he really is. 

Monday, November 2, 2020

How did I miss it?

I'm not sure what I was doing  but I missed it. I turned away for just a moment and I missed it. So someone please tell me, when did America become a third world country? Am I in a socialist nation? I turned the TV on and I see America boarding up to brace for election riots? 
I really disliked Obama after his first term. After I found out that he was liar and had the least transparent administration ever. But I never thought about rioting,  vandalism or hurting anyone. What I did was look forward to the next election.  
Liberals, which includes the main street media, are pushing  the rioting narrative. 
I miss the old America, the one where you could put a sign in your front yard and not worry about someone damaging your house or putting a sign on your car or wear a shirt or hat and not be attacked. 
Am I the only one who feels this way?

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Why I wouldn't Vote for Biden/Harris

 First, I am a registered Independent Voter. I was a registered Republican but got tired of all the promises and no action. Politicians, Republicans and Democrats, are good at telling you what you want to hear, but not worth a damn at doing it. Even though I didn't vote for him, I had hoped he would be different. LOL He was worst one yet. Talked a good game but did nothing. 

In 2016 I decided to vote for anyone who was NOT a politician. I watched Trump due his damage to his opponents during the primaries. He wasn't and isn't a polished speaker. He didn't hold back, said what he thought. He wasn't a politician and I decided he had my vote despite his short comings. After researching him, I realized he was and is a good person and he cared about people and our country. 

I watched as the media(CBS,PBS,ABC,NBC,MSNBC and CNN), a lot of Republicans, all Democrats, most of Hollywood, leaders of England, France, Germany and Canada, large portion of the music industry, New York Times, Washington Post and most print media, FBI, CIA, DOJ, and most every governmental department do everything possible, including lies and treason to stop Trump from becoming president. It didn't stop after he was elected either, it got worse. The Mueller Investigation that cost Americans 32 million dollars, was based on lies and everyone knew it. It has now been proved that Hillary Clinton paid for it, Obama and Biden knew about it. It was just a diversion! A 32 million dollar diversion! Our money, not hers! 

And then there was the behind closed doors impeachment. All based on lies, lies that everyone knew were lies. Democrats stooped to a new low! No one got to hear the evidence against Trump, just heard what the Democrats told us. All done with the support of the media. 

Then the Covid-19 appeared! The Democrats said President Trump was a xenophobia for closing the borders when he did. Now they say it wasn't soon enough. So Democrats were either wrong then or now! 

The bottom line is, Trump has done what he said he would and much more. That was while fighting everyone every day. Just think what he could have done if he had been helped by everyone. 

So, you can VOTE for Trump and be assured by his preformance of the last 4 years that he will get more done for our nation. Or you can vote for Biden and get what he has done for 29 years, nothing but pad his and his families pockets.

If you have done any research, if you have a brain in your head, if you are Black or White or Hispanic, you will vote Trump. 

Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...