Showing posts with label race relations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label race relations. Show all posts

Monday, June 8, 2020

Advice from an Uneducated Old White Man

As I watch and listen to all the educated news people, politicians and police personnel talk about how and what to do to stop racism, I see that none of them get it. Before we look at racism lets look back on school shootings.

After the terrible Columbine High School shooting, our school administrators, school boards and Sheriff/Police departments across the country had notice to make our schools safer. Did they, NO? Eight years later and 4 more school shootings including Virginia Tech shooting that killed 33. Again everyone was put on notice to make our schools more secure! Three more shootings later and we have the Sandy Hook shooting that killed 28! So at this point if your school board, administrator and law enforcement haven't taken steps to secure your schools they are complete idiots or the don't care about the welfare of your children!! LOW and BEHOLD, five more school shootings including Stoneman Douglas High shooting that killed 17! 

What then happened was the crazed get the guns off the street, more gun control and so on and so on!

What I saw was that our school board didn't do their job!! Principles didn't do the jobs! School administrators didn't do their jobs! Sheriff's department didn't do their jobs! FBI didn't do their job! 

I ask you this, how many officials were fired or recalled after this. I know the sheriff was, a deputy was but what about the FBI personnel that didn't do their jobs, what about the school administrators, what about principle of  the school. Are these people still in positions that this can happen again. 

If we do not hold people responsible for there incompetence this will continue to happen! Perfect example is the riots going on now. Let's now take a look at racism.

How can we stop racism in our law enforcement? It's actually pretty easy. Most of the police I've seen that have hurt or killed a black person has been brought up for using excess force before. The question is, why was he still working there. That old saying "we protect our own" is part of the problem. Cops don't want to turn other cops in. Real problem, this allows bad cops to continue on hurting and eventually killing someone, black or white. So I see the problem within the law enforcement environment, including administration and District Attorneys office. If they are covering for each other and no one is getting fired or prosecuted, nothing changes. 

I don't know about you but I can usually tell if a person is a racist after spending some time with them. I wonder why our law enforcement people can't or can they and again, 'protecting their own".

My advice is simple, if there is a problem, hold the people who allowed it to happen responsible. Police chiefs, sheriffs, district attorneys and commissioners. They will always point their fingers at someone else but they are the problems. 

We can point at the white people as we did with the guns or we can get to the root of the problem and help stop the killings of blacks. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Here's how to stop the Race War!

As an old white man I've watched the change in America over sixty years. When I was young, blacks had to ride in the back of the bus, had their own schools and stayed in their part of town. I didn't agree or disagree, it was how it was and I was a kid. As time went on, things changed, schools were integrated they could sit where they wanted and life went on. As I grew up, I had White friends, Black friends, Hispanic friends and Asian friends. Never thought about color, just that they were my friends.

So based on what little I know, here's how I would fix it!

  1. The Police need to police their departments and train or fire the bad apples. The police know who they are. More foot patrols in pairs. Stop being PC, if a Black man kills someone, say it's a Black man. Same goes for all races. If an officer sees another officer get out of control, they need to stop them.
  2. When stopped by a police officer, be respectful, even if you don't feel you were at fault. If after the stop you feel like it was still wrong, contact the Police Department and make a complaint. Getting in someone's face will not end well. If someone gets in MY face and I'm not a policeman, it will not end well. DESPITE what that half wit Muslim in the White House says, it just plain stupid! If you get arrested, DON'T fight, you will be hurt! It's just plain STUPID to fight when you have so so many outlets to help you if wrongly arrested.
  3. Our education system has failed everyone. We have down graded it so much that unless you send your children to private schools they get no education. Get the Feds out of it and make the parents get involved. Not every child is qualified or wants to go to college, nor do they need to. Have more VOCATIONAL classes available. Carpenters, auto mechanics, heating and air conditioning, plumbers, electricians, masons and more are needed. AND, if you can't pass a class, you stay behind! And if you get to old for a class, then you go to special schools! We  need LESS administration and more teaching! We need BETTER teachers! We need security in schools for the  children's protection AND for children's discipline! PARENTS need to be HELD accountable for their children's actions! If, as a parent, you have NOT checked out the classrooms and what they are being taught, then you are NOT a good parent. No excuses, If work is a problem, then get a relative to do it for you. You need to look at the school work and the school books! EDUCATION HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE BEST DEFENSE AGAINST POVERTY! DON'T FAIL YOU CHILDREN!
  4. Re-institute the chain gangs! I remember pass them when I was a child. My father told me that they were criminals. That was embedded in my mind! I never wanted to be in one of them! You would be surprised what message that sends to small children! 
  5. Our jails need to be overhauled. They are to nice! If your living conditions are better in jail then outside, you're not going to mind going back. Make everyone work! Hard work! Teach them something! The guards need to police themselves just like the police! Weed out the bad guards! Everyone knows who they are! 
  6. Blacks need to get the chips off there shoulders! We did not enslave you! That has past! Take time and read up about SLAVERY, your eyes will be opened. The only slavery going on now, is how the Democrats have enslaved the Blacks and Hispanics with social programs. You want to free yourselves, get a job! 
  7. Get off of WHITE PRIVILEGE, there is more BLACK PRIVILEGE! I'm a white, the only privilege I have had is working HARD all my life, 50+ years, paying lots of taxes that go to social programs! YOU WANT MY WHITE PRIVILEGE? Plus a heart attack and lots of job injuries! THE ONLY REAL PRIVILEGE THAT I KNOW OF IS POLITICAL PRIVILEGE, ONE THAT IS SHARED BY ALL RACES! That's the privilege that needs to stop! 
  8. Blacks, Whites, Hispanics and Asians need to stop being MANIPULATED by the Media, the privileged politicians, small destructive groups and the rich elite! Use your heads, we are all smarter than the think we are! I voted Republican ever election until now! I realized that no matter who is in charge we get the same results, I'm tired of being a sheep! Now I'm an Independent and VOTING my mind! Use your mind and VOTE!
  9. EVERYONE need to pay attention to the LYRICS in the MUSIC that our children are listening to! HAVE YOU? Parents WHERE ARE YOU? My parents would not have let me listen to the hate, sex, the violence in the music today. Use some COMMON SENSE people! You can stop it by NOT BUYING IT! Not letting your underage children buy it, listen or watch it! Get involved in your child's LIFE!
  10. ASK your leaders of your community, town, city and state what they are doing to clean up the bad areas! DEMAND that they do something! If they don't vote them out! Blacks need to ask the "Black Leaders" Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and Obama what they have done to fix the problems in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Atlanta and New Orleans? Disappointing isn't it!
The bottom line is, I could write all day and not cover all the problems we have to fix! I can tell you this, BLM, Black leaders and he PRIVILEGED POLITICIANS are not the answer, YOU ARE! I have watched America go downhill for 25 years, I've seen race relations deteriorate for 8 years (Thank You Obama). Time for a major change! Time for you to make a difference!

Restoring Law and Order in America

I'm not the smartest person around, but I have been around for a long time. I've watch things change for the worse over the years.  ...